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Kiran Khullar

A Case study -Changing Eating Patterns

I recently had the privilege of working with Payal (name changed), who sought assistance in changing her eating habits. Payal expressed deep frustration and a sense of being stuck, despite numerous attempts to improve her habits. She struggled with guilt and shame associated with certain foods, often concealing her eating habits and feeling overwhelmed by the process.

During our sessions, we explored Payal's challenges and goals, using Cognitive Hypnotic Psychotherapy to address her concerns. We began by defining her current situation and desired outcomes. Through this process, Payal gained clarity on her goals and the steps needed to achieve them.

We also worked on identifying the thoughts and emotions that acted as barriers to her progress. Payal often felt disappointed in herself, especially when comparing her progress to others. Through thought restructuring and emotional anchoring techniques, she learned to replace negative thoughts with more empowering ones, such as feeling proud of her progress.

Additionally, we explored any underlying beliefs or past experiences that contributed to her struggles. Payal recalled childhood experiences of being overweight and bullied, which influenced her present mindset. By addressing these underlying issues and employing inner child healing techniques, Payal was able to release negative emotions and develop a more positive self-image.

As our sessions progressed, Payal reported feeling more confident and empowered in her ability to make lasting changes. She no longer felt the same level of guilt or shame about her eating habits and was actively incorporating healthier choices into her routine.

By the end of our work together, Payal had developed a deeper understanding of herself and her habits. She had learned valuable tools for managing her thoughts and emotions, enabling her to continue her journey towards better health with confidence and resilience.

Overall, the work with Payal exemplified the transformative power of Cognitive Hypnotic Psychotherapy in helping individuals overcome challenges and achieve their goals. Through a combination of techniques and personalized support, Payal was able to make significant progress in changing her eating habits and improving her overall well-being.

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